Xiaoping Li
Xiaoping has a scientific background in molecular plant physiology. After her B.Sc. studies at the Shandong Agricultural University in China and an M.S.c degree in Plant Pathology from the Northwest A&F University in China, she joined the Team of Prof. Jörg Fettke at the Institute of Biochemistry and Biology at the University of Potsdam. She defended her PhD in Molecular Plant Physiology in 2023, obtaining expertise in cutting-edge molecular biological and genetic methods, protein biochemistry, confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. In May 2024, she joined our lab as a postdoc and the first group member of our team.
Xiaoping applies advanced genetic approaches to modify mitochondrial genomes in yeast to study the molecular mechanisms of the protein quality control of mitochondrially-encoded proteins via high-throughput genome-wide screens.